It’s a conspiracy

I have to get the word out, before I’m silenced by the forces that seek to keep this sort of information quiet. If all you’re interested in is belie...

Today in History

100 BC – Julius Caesar born. You might have heard of him. 1759 AD – During the Seven Year’s War, British artillery begins the shelling of Queb...

Wild America

I’m Marty Stouffer, today on Wild America we’re going to be looking at the animals whose natural habitat lies in one of the most dangerous regions i...

Comics today

I made the mistake the other day during a fit of intense boredom to flip open the local rag to the apparently mislabeled “Comics” section. I say mis...

Muzzleloading tidbits

I’m going to reach into Ahab’s bag of wisdom here and pull out some advice for any gents that are considering taking up the fine hobby of muzzleload...

More webcomics

Since I can never gratify my huge ego enough, here’s another installment in Way Too Random, from Amanda. For the record, cutesy girly faces do creep me ou...