The Mover

My date with destiny has come and gone, and the mover is now past me, both literally and figuratively. If you’re wondering how I did, here’s my 10 y...

Waiting to shoot

I’m sitting by the mover watching people shoot it before my shoot time comes up. I shot the mover well this morning in practice, but my gun started acting...

Bianchi Day 2

I mentioned yesterday that this whole thing was kind of like taking batting practice with the Boston Red Sox, right?  Well, to continue the analogy, today I act...

there is good

And then there are guys like Dave Sevigny. I’m watching him shoot the Practical match right now as I blog this, and even though Bianchi isn’t his fa...

"No Mind"

“Too many mind.  Mind the crowd, mind the sword, mind the other man…too many minds.  Have no mind.” The above quote is badly butchered from Th...

Bianchi Today

It’s going to be a beautiful Tuesday in Columbia, and that means one thing for me: Practice Range. After I get registered and pick up my packet, have some...