HK VP9 Review
Throwing it back to when I had a huge, crazy person beard. Mobile viewers check out the HK VP9 Review here.
Throwing it back to when I had a huge, crazy person beard. Mobile viewers check out the HK VP9 Review here.
Raw points: 52 Time: 6.79 HF: 7.6583 National %: 74.6882
I had some technical difficulties with camera gear this morning, resulting in me shooting the video in one manic take on my Blackberry. But the video speaks for...
Since the VP9 isn’t yet on the USPSA Production gun list, if I wanted to shoot it in a match, I’d have to shoot in Limited. So if I’m going to...
The rumors started about the same time the HK P30 came out: “Is Heckler & Koch going to make a striker fired gun?” They continued until reachin...
Yes. So much yes.
Heckler and Koch is sending us a VP9 for review. First off, that’s awesome, because this is the first HK pistol I’ve been genuinely excited about in...