Gun Control in action

Remember Indiana State Representative Vernon Smith?  The guy whose crass antics in opposition to Indiana HB 1065 showed his true colors as a completely partisan product of Chicago-Machine politics.

Well, thanks to the diligence of the Indiana House, now you can watch his antics on video.  Rep. Smith’s little playacting routine starts at 1:43:59 (1 hour, 43 minutes) so you’ll have to skip ahead on the video quite a bit…unless you enjoy watching legislative procedure.  Here are the notes on his shenanigans from my inside man:

1:43:59 — Enter Rep. Vernon Smith

1:44:15 — pulls gun out of his coat

1:46:05 — guns give “false courage”, pulls out the “manly” card and how men may “want our dogs and our guns”…a little reminiscent of Obama’s “cling to guns and religion” jab

1:47:00 — tells story of college dance and how he got picked on and “wished for my gun”

1:48:15 — talks about how many times you have a gun available “you don’t think”…”you let your gun…think for you”

1:48:32 — “I know this bill’s gonna pass”; “this is indeed an NRA state”; “I pledge allegiance, not to the flag, but to the NRA”

It’s almost sad that this sort of behavior is what passes for “legislative action”, or that it’s even considering borderline acceptable for a person to act that way. Much to the credit of the rest of the Indiana House, you don’t even hear as much as a chuckle over Vernon Smith’s grandstanding antics.

The happy ending to this story of course is that the bill passed the House, and is headed to the Senate. Despite Vernon Smith playing the part of the village idiot, it appears that HB 1065 is on its way to success and Gov. Daniels’ signature.

Gun Nuts Radio: A RINO revealed?

Judge for yourself whether last night’s guest on Gun Nuts Radio, Dr. John McGoff is in fact a Republican In Name Only.  That accusation was leveled by some in the chat room after hearing his plans for health insurance and his stance on denying guns to people on the terror watch list.

However, it’s up to you to decide for yourself, and to do that you need to download last night’s Gun Nuts Radio featuring former Marion County Coroner, National Guardsman, and emergency medical practitioner Dr. John McGoff.  Dr. McGoff was kind enough to join us last night to clear his name after allegations had arisen about him being anti-gun in the previous primary race against sitting Representative Dan Burton.  Now faced with at least three NRA “A” rated competitors this time around, Dr. McGoff came to Gun Nuts Radio to clear his name and establish himself as a defender of the 2nd Amendment.  You can hear all of last night’s interview at this link, or click for an .mp3 version.  As always, the show is available on Gun Nuts Host - Gun Nuts Radio: The Next Generation of Shooting | Blog Talk Radio Feed - Gun Nuts Radio: The Next Generation of Shooting | Blog Talk Radio Feed by clicking the button.

Dr. McGoff was a great guest, and well spoken on his views on healthcare, national security, and gun rights. It’s up to you, listeners and voters in Indiana to check out last night’s interview with Dr. John McGoff and decide for yourselves.

Speaking of Gun Nuts Radio

The show must go on, as they say, regardless of circumstances.  Tonight on Gun Nuts Radio I’m pleased to welcome Dr. John McGoff, former Marion County Coroner and candidate in the Republican primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional district.  Dr. McGoff will be joining me tonight at 9pm at to discuss his campaign for the Republican nomination as well as his track record on 2nd Amendment issues.

Hoosiers with a long political memory will recall the previous Republican primary, where Rep. Dan Burton, the NRA “A” rated sitting representative defeated Dr. McGoff in a race that much closer than many thought it would be.  Dr. McGoff tonight will answer his critics, which included me at the time, on his track record on 2nd Amendment issues and how he plans to represent the million or so law abiding gun owners in Indiana.

That’s tonight at 9pm Eastern time on the BlogtalkRadio Network at – don’t miss the show!

Breaking news

I was going to wait until tonight’s show to talk about this, but now that the cat is out of the bag I feel nigh compelled to address the fact that Breda is in fact leaving us at Gun Nuts Radio.

I am deeply saddened to see Breda go.  Working with her over the course of the last year and a half I have had the opportunity to meet new people and see a side of the gun owning and 2nd Amendment world that I never before would have experienced.  Her charm and charisma have brought in a multitude of listeners that would have never tuned in for a show just about guns; and I am personally in her debt for that.

Gun Nuts Radio will continue; the show continues to grow and reach new ears and new audiences.  Breda will also be back as a guest and occasional co-host if my responsibilities take me away from the show.  In fact, in two weeks she’ll be doing a show with a member of the Washington State Pink Pistols organization, discussing that group’s activism for civil rights and 2nd Amendment rights for everyone.

On a personal note, I will miss my weekly chats with my friend Breda.  I wish her the best of luck in all her endeavors, both as her friend and her former colleague at Gun Nuts Radio.

Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle Shooting

I just received a review copy of the Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle Shooting DVDs from Brownells yesterday.  I’m looking forward to getting these in the DVD player, as Jerry in addition to being the king of wheelgunners is also a gazillion time 3-gun champion; so he knows a thing or two about pulling triggers on long guns.