Still shooting

A couple of posts down, I mentioned I’m not going to be able to make it to Steel Challenge – just a time and money issue.  The 6 hours on a plane + leaving on Wednesday, etc just made it unrealistic…this year anyway.  To soothe my desire to shoot though, I went looking around for other matches that weekend, and found out that the Maryland Regional Action Pistol Championship is that weekend in Cumberland.  So I emailed the MD, and it seems that there are slots left, so I’ve got some shooting to do on the weekend of the 14th-15th of August.

The difference between the two is that Maryland is a 7 hour drive, and California is a 6 hour flight…plus the Maryland match is 1-2 days, so I don’t have to fork out the cash for a 3 or 4 day hotel stay.

Something about Action Pistol caught my fancy at Bianchi Cup – I don’t know what it is specifically, but there is an appeal to trying for a perfection, which in Action Pistol is a 1920-192x, which has never been done.  I’m sure that eventually someone will clean the entire match, and that will be an impressive day to be sure.

The other benefit about going to Cumberland, MD to shoot the Action Pistol match is that it’s a scant 2 hour drive from my old stomping grounds in Reston, so if I get some free time on Sunday and decide to not shoot the State match (separate from the Regional), I might just cruise on down and say high to some friends in the area, but that remains to be seen.

Looks like I need to haul those AP-1 targets out of storage and swing up to Wildcat to take a few runs on their mover! I’m looking forward to this match though – sure, it’s not the World Championships of Steel Challenge, but it’s trigger time, and it’s a major, so I’ll take it.


  1. You lived in Reston? I grew up there. I wish I had known that before meeting you at dinner before you guys headed out to Blackwater. Granted I’d wager that you lived there long after I had graduated and moved away.

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