Gives a whole new meaning to "get off my lawn"

SWAT gets called because a guy’s lawn is too tall.

In actuality, they were called because when city workers showed up to cut the grass, the homeowner pointed a gun at them. I’m pretty sure SWAT callouts for lawncare are not what Mayor Ballard had in mind when he said he was “tough on crime”.


  1. I gotta say the five-oh made a good call on this one. When you’ve got a guy holed up in a house sticking a gauge out the windows in a crowded urban neighborhood and threatening to shoot, you don’t send Reed & Malloy up to knock on the door.

  2. Oh, I actually agree, I just think the underlying justification is weird. I mean seriously, who threatens to shoot city workers over their lawn?

  3. “I mean seriously, who threatens to shoot city workers over their lawn?”

    People who have severe mental disorders.

    IME, I’d say paranoid schizophrenia.

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