You don’t need a gun for self-defense

One of my biggest pet peeves is whenever someone says they’re concerned about their personal security, the first response is “oh you should get a gun.” You know what? Maybe you shouldn’t. What you should do is a comprehensive assessment of the risks you may face, and the force you’re willing to use to defend yourself from those risks. For some people that means a gun. For some it may just mean pepper spray. But you’ll never know if you don’t 1) create a plan, and 2) get training to enact that plan.

Match video: Homestead September USPSA

Shooting USPSA for the first time in over a year, and man is it ever a perishable skill. My pure shooting skills really haven’t dropped off that much, but my ability to shoot stages according to the plan and power through mistakes have gotten a lot worse.

I attribute a lot of the maintenance on the raw shooting skills to my new adherence to a dry fire training plan, which would be impossible without my CED Pocket Pro Timer.

Your failure to de-escalate a situation is not a good reason to draw your gun

I am a frequent browser on Imgur, because I like funny memes and laughing at things. Every now and then, there will be some firearms or self-defense related content, which I usually immediately skip over because it’s terrible. Usually whatever it is comes from someone with the same depth of knowledge and training as a puddle in Arizona, meaning that the best thing for my blood pressure is to just skip it and move on. However, a couple of days ago imgur user flubby1982 posted the following thread, and I just couldn’t deal with it.

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2018 Steel Challenge Results

The 2018 Steel Challenge World Championship is officially in the books, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that a cast of familiar faces has once again dominated the leaderboard. The Top 3 in Open are all previous champions, finishing 1st-3rd in this order: KC Eusebio, BJ Norris, Max Michel.

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New from Beretta: the APX Centurion

Beretta launched their entry in the striker fired market, the APX, a couple of years ago. Originally intended as Beretta’s entry into the Modular Handgun System competition, the APX was initially only offered as a full size pistol. New for 2018, Beretta has brought out two new sizes for the APX: the Centurion and the Compact. Today we’ll take a first look at the Centurion.

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The Top 10 Movie Gunfights

Aftear months of exhaustive research I have finally coallated the ultimate list of gunfights in film!

10. Mr. & Mrs. Smith – Domestic disturbance
9. Quigley Down Under – Duel with Marsden
8. Tombstone – Gunfight at the OK Corral
7. LA Confidential – Victory Motel
6. Untouchables – Train station
5. The Wild Bunch – We want Angel
4. John Wick 2 – The Catacombs
3. Band of Brothers – Brecourt Manor
2. Heat – The Bank Robbery
1. Way of the Gun – Mexican whorehouse