What does it say that I’ve always wanted a P239, but I’ve never bought one? I didn’t want one that bad? There was no story to go with it? I don’t know. It’s always in the back of my mind though. An all-metal single stack 9mm with a DA/SA trigger is a bit of a departure from my regularly preferred plastic fantastics, but I’ve always had a soft spot for this.
Do you have a gun you want but have never gone out of your way to add to the collection?
Three inch model 13 Smith. The FBI issue revolver.
Ive owned and carried a 239 for 5-6 years, that being said became a huge fan of sigs…real sigs not those sp series. Need me a 226 with the e2 grip but still havent bought one even tho ive built a rifle, customized a shotgun and bought a 238 recently for a light weight ccw. The list is always changing…
The SP or Sig Pro series are very much real Sigs and probably one of the most underrated pistols under $500. Most Sig collectors have one in their stable. They also have one of the smoothest factory DA triggers out there as well. I have owned 3 239’s and sold them all, regretting later each sale.
Not many like that, except maybe an LMT LM308MWS or similar LMT product. I do however have some pistols I’ve purchased, only because they seemed like a bargain and now I rarely shoot them; most of them are polymer. I prefer steel or alloy/steel combinations over polymer most of the time.
Ruger 10/22, there always seems to be something else I want more that pops up. I actually went out specifically to buy one, but stopped by a pawn shop on the way to the LGS, and walked away with a NIB M1a for a smoking deal I could not say no to, oh well 10/22’s will be around for a long time.
Famous last words, Ddub….
Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless
Charter Arms Bulldog
Smith and Wesson Model 66, 3″ barrel, stainless.
I’m right there with you on the P239. Love my other Sigs–an M11A1 and a P226.
Some sort of 9mm revolver and an alloy Hi Power
12 gauge over/under shotgun.
Mine was a Beretta 92, first gun I ever wanted. Finally ended up getting one (92G, specifically) last month
M1917 Revolver .45ACP with a bucket load of half moon clips. This revolver has always fascinated me and I hope to get one someday.
I have a Sig 239 (.357Sig & .40S&W barrels) and before the S&W Shield in 9mm came out I would carry it in a belly band at the 1 O’Clock position. Love the sleek single stack and the .357Sig makes me all warm and yummy on the inside.
Get one….hell, get two!
I had a Sig P239 SAS with the short reset trigger. The gun was a tank (I mean “tank” in a good way.) (Ya never know who you may offend). I started IDPA with the P239 & it never failed me, no stops to report with 3000 rounds through it.
I traded it for a HK P2000sk which I also love. The HK could hold 10+1 so I use it in SSP. The Sig was only 8+1. Now that IDPA has the CCP division. I wish I kept the SIG P239. It is the one gun I regret letting go.
(However, I do NOT regret getting the HK P2000sk. This gun has been a champ with just over 7000 rounds and no stops of any kind. FYI you can run P30 mags through it. I’ve put in over 2000.)
I digress. To your original post, I agree with you…the Sig P239 is an excellent gun!
CZ 550 Safari in .458 Lott, just incase I get charged by a Cape Buffalo in NE PA. I held it in my hands at Cabelas, but couldn’t justify it…
STI 2011 in 9mm. Because 1911s should be in forty damn five. And moneys…
Vz-58 with SBR stamp. But with the last season of Strike Back coming on, I may give in…
Sig 2022 for a house gun and a CZ 557 in 6.5 Swedish
A good MP5 clone is at the top of my “Want, but haven’t put forth the effort to get” list.
An M1 garand. Every time I watch Band of Brothers or Saving Pvt. Ryan or The Longest Day……or if I am watching a cooking show, or mowing the lawn for that matter….i guess I really need to get me a Garand rifle. It must be time.
And about the Ruger 10-22. You NEED one. Trust me on this. Go to any pawn shop, if the stock is chipped, ask Ruger politely for a factory wood stock. They mailed me one for free so would have a stock I could chop down for my 7 year old boy. They mailed free shipping even. Ruger has the best customer service ever. If only I could find ab American lawnmower company like that.
A nice, blued S&W .357 revolver- a mod 27 6″ for preference, but a nice 19 would work.
A nice blued Colt 1911 in .38 Super would be up there as well.
A S&W Model 25 in .45 Colt. I went to trade for it and some bastard had the temerity to pay full asking price for it.
I love my p239 and my sp2022. The only fake Sig is the mosquito. The mosquito is the only gun I regret buying. I should have listened and bought a Ruger Mark 3 or 22/45.
As far as guns I want but haven’t bought, I have a hankering for a sp101 and gp100, but keep buying semi autos instead.