Whenever gun industry celebrities get involved in product design, there’s always a bit of skepticism from the non-fanboys about how good the product actually is. The G-Code INCOG holster that I’m wearing right now was one of those products, because it was designed in part by Travis Haley, formerly of Magpul Dynamics and now head of Haley Strategic. Me personally, I don’t care who designed a product so long as it works.
That’s why when I read this review of the INCOG I immediately wanted to try it. Why would a negative review make me want to try a piece of gear? Because of how well written and thoughtful it was. Honestly, I wish that all content on the internet could be as good as that review, because it managed to summarize how the product worked for the reviewer while also making readers curious about the product.
How I ended up with the INCOG is pretty simple: Lionheart has partnered with G-Code to make holsters for the LH9. I have an LH9 from Lionheart, and I wanted to actually carry this gun. I like the G-Code OWB belt holster I have, so I figured that rather than wait 6 months for someone to rig up a custom AIWB holster for the LH9, I’d just get an INCOG. A week later, I’ve been carrying the LH9 in the INCOG holster every day for over 8 hours, and I have some initial thoughts. A good carry holster must perform well in the 3 Cs: Concealment, comfort, and capability. Capability is whether or not the holster enhances my ability to get the gun out in a hurry, or detracts from that ability.
The INCOG uses two clips which angle slightly out from the holster to attach to the belt. According to the design, it’s intended to be worn at any position on the body, we’re testing as an appendix holster. In the appendix position, the INCOG could use a more pronounced wedge on the leading edge of the holster to push the butt of the gun closer to the body. I suspect if I was a bit…rounder in the middle bits that this problem would solve itself. However, when concealed under an untucked t-shirt or polo, the butt of the gun does tend to print a little bit at the appendix position.
The INCOG excels at comfort. So far, it’s the most comfortable AIWB holster I’ve owned. I can wear it all day at my desk, take 2 mile walks with the dog, no pinching or rubbing. Like any AIWB holster I strongly recommend wearing an undershirt to aide in the comfort equation, but even against bare skin the “tactical fuzz” that the exterior of the holster is coated with makes it ride very comfortably. Now that I’ve been wearing it for a week, I am probably going to adjust the ride height just a little bit to make it a little more comfortable.
I’ve only had the INCOG for a week, and one range session in that week with the holster. I’ve done dry fire training with it, but at this time I don’t feel comfortable discussing the capability of the holster to enhance performance vs. other holsters in its class. The specific reason for that is that this holster is for the LH9, and I’ve already discussed that there is a bit of a learning curve for me with the LH9’s DA+ system. Once I’m more comfortable with the gun itself I’ll be able to assess the all important metric of a concealment holster: draw speed.
Right now, I like the INCOG. I’m going to keep using it to carry the LH9, and next week after I get some more range time under my belt, I’ll be able to provide further information on how the holster performs its most important tasks. Check back next Friday for another update on the holster’s performance.
Disclaimer: I paid American cash money for this holster.
Relieved you didn’t pay Martian cash for it.
Good short review, I appreciate the shout out.