So by now it should be readily apparent to all our readers and fans that we’re slowly recovering from the hack over the weekend. After all the years of blogging, I’m a firm believer in transparency, so I want to keep you guys up to date on what’s been going on and more importantly where we’re going from here.
Obviously and most importantly, I want to state that hackers really do suck. Of course, I’ve never understood the desire to vandalize other people’s stuff just for fun, but some people do, and thus we have the sort of malicious code injection that happened to the site the other day. Here’s the good news: google has recrawled the site, and taken down the malware warning for the posts in the archive that were affected by the malware attack. So we’re once again free of naughty code. More good news is that I’ve been able to recover the archives up to about April of 2011.
The bad news is that recovering the archives from April 2011 until the last couple of days is going to be a bit more challenging, thanks to in part my own stupidity, but we’re going to keep trying. It may be certain posts make it and some don’t, but for the most part we should be able to recover a pretty big chunk of the last couple of years. That about covers where we are with the hack.
There is more good news however, that’s unrelated to the hack. Site traffic has been growing tremendously, and with it advertising revenue, which has given me the opportunity to hire another writer. Yesterday I made an offer to Gabby from ArmedCandy to come write for the team and Gun Nuts, which she accepted. Gabby will join Tim and occasionally Shelley in contributing great content to the site as we continue to grow towards new ventures. Speaking of new ventures, coming soon you’re going to be seeing a lot more content on our youtube channel, which has been sorely neglected of late. We’re going to have the opportunity to do some really great creative things with the channel soon, and I’m looking forward to that.
So, the state of Gun Nuts is pretty great. Despite the hack, things are going extremely well for the site; we’re growing, we’re hiring new writers, which unlike some other sites I actually pair a fair wage, and even more importantly we continue to be one of the most respected and referenced online sources for shooting sports info and news. Thanks everyone for your readership, and your patience as we get the archives restored.
Youtube channel linky no work
Fixed it, thanks!
IDK, seems like a little bit of “naughty code” is a good thing.
Glad to hear about the new writer. Having taken a lot of military force protection classes dominated by males who always knew the exact right way to do something (never the same way among them), I always appreciate a view from the other side.
Happy shooting, dv
WordPress is known for its security issues over the years. I would use Drupal. Its opensource and free.
I am not a programmer. I am not a tech guy. WordPress is also free, and it is simple and easy to use. Drupal is hewn from the bones of stillborn children and sucks big rocks right up off the ground.