The Indiana 2nd Amendment March is this weekend, April 17th (that’s Saturday). Here’s a link to the details for the march.
When: Saturday, April 17th 2 – 5pm
Where: Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana State House!!!!!
There is ample parking downtown within walking distance of the State House, and the only major downtown event this Saturday (other than the 2nd Amendment March itself) is an Indianapolis Indians game which doesn’t start until 7:00pm, so parking won’t be an issue.
This is an open carry event, however there are some rules for people that want to carry a firearm to the event:
1) You must posses a valid handgun permit in order to carry a handgun, open or concealed, per Indiana handgun law.
2) All long guns are permitted. The firearm can have a loaded magazine, but no rounds may be chambered while carrying. Long guns must be carried with muzzle pointed safely to the ground at all times.
Indiana gun laws are very clear on the fact that you absolutely must have a handgun carry permit to carry a handgun (edited for clarity), open or concealed in the State of Indiana. If you plan on attending the march and carrying openly, you must have a carry permit issued by the Indiana State Police or by the issuing authority in your state of residence. No exceptions.
Again, that’s this Saturday April 17th at 2pm for the Indiana Second Amendment March!
Caleb, I think you mistakenly typed firearm in the last paragraph when you meant to say handgun. Long arms require no permit in the state of Indiana, and it should stay that way.
If I’m not mistaken, pistol-gripped shotguns without a shoulder stock are treated at handguns in this regard, and would also require a pink card.
fwiw to anyone planning to bring their ride-along 12ga wrist-wreckers =)
Well, I’ll be at a Mead tasting in Federal Way, WA on Saturday–our Second Amendment March is next week–but last I checked Indiana accepted my WA CPL. Did that change?
Negative, Indiana honors all concealed carry permits from every state; I assumed that the only attendees of the march would be Hoosiers. If you’re out of state and would like attend and carry, please make sure you have a permit from your state of residence.
“Indiana gun laws are very clear on the fact that you absolutely must have a handgun carry permit to carry a firearm, open or concealed in the State of Indiana.”
Ummm, not exactly.
However, if you change “firearm” to handgun and add that if you do not fall within any of the exempted categories, then you would be correct.
Long guns (with the exception of goofy shotguns) require no license.
“If I’m not mistaken, pistol-gripped shotguns without a shoulder stock are treated at handguns in this regard, and would also require a pink card”
This is correct. Pursuant to an Indiana Court of Appeals decision Indiana treats goofy shotguns as pistols because of the way Indiana defines an handgun.
“Indiana honors all concealed carry permits from every state; ”
Indiana recognizes the licenses to carry (open or concealed) of all states AND foreign countries by the terms of the license. E.g., if you are from Tejas, you must wear elf boots and a big hat and say “yeeeeehaw!” a lot. If you are from Florida, you must wear black socks, sandals and eat dinner at 4:30. If you are from Washington, you must wear a flannel shirt and not shave as these are the terms of those respective states licenses to carry.
Dangit, my carry permit is from Utah. I guess that means I have to break out the white shirt, tie, and bicycle.
It’s funny – that particular line really reflects my shooting biases. When I say “firearm” I am invariably thinking “handgun”, because that’s what I carry and shoot with most often. I rarely shoot rifles and shotguns, so 99% of the time I honestly don’t think about them when I’m writing stuff like that. That being said, I’m editing the post to clarify the language.
If your carry permit is from Indiana, you must join a militia…