Coming next year

Since we’re getting ready to wrap up 2007, here’s a brief list of cool things we can expect to see in 2008 from Call me Ahab.

  • Indy Area gun shop coverage – we go to the shops and give you the real scoop on what’s going on there.
  • Clothes – shirts, polos, maybe even some hoodies and other stuff.  I’m currently soliciting designs from a few people for a logo suitable for a shirt.
  • More gun stuff –  I want to get into some cool C&R guns that I’ve seen out there, I’m also planning a where I go to a gun school with some very “un-gun-school” guns.
  • Revolvers revolvers revolvers – duh
  • Exclusive content you won’t find in the media – I started with my interview with Shirley Katz, and I plan on continuing.  Just because you didn’t hear about it from the MSM doesn’t mean it’s not news.

There’s a lot more planned, and let me know what you’d like to see in the comments section.
There’s a lot more planned as well, if you’ve got anything you’d like to see from


  1. I’m currently soliciting designs from a few people for a logo suitable for a shirt.

    Esuna’s a good artist, but watch out for the purple…

  2. Wait, wait.

    If you buy this, you can have something that counts as both a revolver and a rifle.

    It’s even better if you buy a cartridge conversion cylinder.

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