Read this post

From Sebastian.  I’ve actually addressed the issue of the drug/gun wars in Mexico, and how the media is trying to blame it on the US’ gun laws.  Some blogger decides to blame the NRA for all the crime in Mexico, and does it in a pretty vile way.

I don’t really have a lot to say, other than the NRA seems to be under attack a lot lately; and it’s generally for things that they’re not actually responsible for.


  1. Unfortunately, appearance is 90% of reality, and if authors such as these can get the country to believe that the NRA appears to be responsible for situations such as these, regardless of the facts of the situation, then the battle is done. And considering how the NRA has been turned into pretty much the boogyman of today’s society…

  2. “I don’t really have a lot to say, other than the NRA seems to be under attack a lot lately; and it’s generally for things that they’re not actually responsible for.”

    The left-wing has two answers for everything:
    “It’s ____’s fault!”

    2.the NRA

  3. I fault them for the things they haven’t done, and some of the gun control they have.

  4. Until we magically kick our drug problem, there will always be guns being illegally smuggled into Mexico. Hell’s Angels smuggle in the guns & trade them for the drugs that they then sell here.

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