Mitigating A Training Scar With A Deliberate Pause
Anyone that has dry fired any appreciable amount of time has likely run into the scenario were you are in a hurry between reps (or timer beeps) to the point you...
Anyone that has dry fired any appreciable amount of time has likely run into the scenario were you are in a hurry between reps (or timer beeps) to the point you...
Dry fire training with S&W 929 9mm, draws and reloads. Draw times were (in reverse order) 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and no time (warm up). Hit my goal of sub ...
Dry fire training with S&W 929 9mm, draws and reloads. Draws pars: 2.00, 1.75, 1.50, 1.25. Beat 1.25 goal 4/5 tries. Set next goal for 1.00, star time at 1...