Bandaids on Bullet holes
Colion Noir hits it out of the park with his second video for NRA News.
Colion Noir hits it out of the park with his second video for NRA News.
I just got done watching the NRA’s press conference, and while I have an open thread going for discussion on my fan page, I wanted to put some more concre...
At SHOT this year, I ran into my buddy Cam Edwards from NRA News. We decided to set up an interview to get some more SHOT Show coverage, which you can listen t...
Oh burn. Short version of the story: GOA opposes that a law-abiding resident be granted a carry permit. The NRA stands up for this person’s rights. I gu...
Apparently, pro-gun advocates are “forces of darkness“. That’s FANTASTIC.
NRA is challenging the law that prevents 18-20 olds from buying handguns from FFL dealers. That is a very bold move! Read the case details at this link. If you ...
One of the perks of my job is that I get to spend a lot of time meeting gun owners and talking to them. One of the gun owners I got to spend some time with thi...
This is primarily for my readers in Washington State – as you know, we’ve got an election coming up this November and if you’re as tired of Pa...
Both the NRA Blog and Pistol-Training.Com have some thoughts on the improvements done at the NRA Range. Looks pretty good if you ask me! If you’re in th...
At NRA Headquaters, the Youth Education Summit – getting the real next generation of gun nuts involved in the fight – has kicked off. NRA Blog has ...