We had a lot of fun on last night’s Gun Nuts Radio. Breda and I spent some time discussing the Freedom Group IPO, balloon boy, Breda’s crush on Eric Estrada, and of course the shooting sports. Click here for an .mp3 of last night’s show!
During the show, we also brought up which costumed shooting sport you’d like to see come about, which had some really great responses. Among the better ones were a Miami Vice/Cheesy Cop Show Shoot, Firefly Action Shooting, and for the hardcore geeks out there Steampunk Shooting Society. But you don’t have to take my word for it, just click to listen to the show yourself!
As always, we’d like to thank our listeners for tuning in to the show. It’s your support that makes this possible, and the best thing you can do to keep us on the air is to get a friend to listen as well. Right now, we average about 2000 total listeners per show, which is a great number for a niche show on BTR. I personally would like to see that number at 5000 per show – and all you have to do is get one friend to become a regular listener. Remind them that they can download the show on iTunes as well by visiting the iTunes store and searching for Gun Nuts Radio!
You may want to try posting or doing something with some of the hosts from the Gun Rights Radio Network http://www.gunrightsradio.com
I would love to hear a show with you guys and the GunDudes or Shelton from the handgun podcast… I believe that Eric Shelton already listens to Gun Nuts….
but that would be one major way to spread all audiences… and you could possibly get Mas Ayoob on…. you know that’d get some SERIOUS hits
two words: unicorn bacon.