If you’re a competition 1911 shooter in either USPSA Single Stack, Limited-10, or IDPA ESP, then you’ve probably experienced the fun and entertainment of trying to do fast reloads on the relatively small magazine well on a single stack 1911. Going from a double stack pistol in Stock Service Pistol/Production to a Single Stack makes you feel like you’re trying to land a helicopter on the head of a pin.
The easiest way to remedy the problem with the size of the “target” you’re trying to hit with that magazine is to purchase an aftermarket magazine well from one of the many companies out there. Springfield Armory Pro Shooter Robbie Leatham uses the TechWell Magazine System, which helped him to a victory in the 2007 Limited-10 National Championship. The TechWell system comes in three different flavors, the XT, SP, and Carry model. All three models are designed to fit into the IDPA ESP box, and installation is as easy as removing and replacing your grips.
From an aesthetic standpoint, my favorite would be the “Carry” model. I’m quite fond of 1911s that wear that particular style of extended magazine well. It’s not so big as to make concealed carry a challenge, yet it greatly aids in making fast reloads on the gun.
no, the easiest way to remedy it is to practice with no magwell until you’re consistent in competition. then, add a magwell, it’s like going from papercut to a blackhole.