SayUncle linked to this a while back, it’s information on an IDPA-style match that’s going to be held at Gunny’s Indoor Range in Maryville, TN. I just registered for the match yesterday, so I’ll be down in TN come January 31st to go blast some targets into oblivion. Hopefully, I’ll manage to not shoot any hostages, although I have some kind of magnetic attraction to blasting them. Plus, there are prizes.
Lewis Scoring System: Prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place in Gold, Silver, and Bronze Divisions (assuming a full field). Remaining prizes to be awarded based on order of finish. Awards presentation will take place within 45 minutes after the last shot is taken. Presuming there are 60 shooters, there will be a $3500 prize table with EVERYBODY going to the table at least once.
I’ve got a little bit over a month to get in shape for this one. Should be a lot of fun!
Well, after thinking about it, I figured what the hell – I went ahead and registered too. If nothing else, I get to meet some talk radio celebrity… 😉