USA Carry

Slightly older readers will probably remember the awesome resource that was, a website devoted to information for concealed carry, including permit laws, reciprocity, you name it. Just last night I found USA Carry, which has stepped up into the void left by

If you already knew about USA Carry, you can ignore this post, but since it was a new find for me I am going to assume that it’s new to a lot of you as well. Check it out, in addition to carry info they have a decent forum set up as well.


  1. Hey Caleb. I want to mention a resource and I hope you don’t think I’m spamming or shilling for blog hits. i put a lot of effort into building it and I’d like to see it put to good use.

    In the “links” section toward the bottom of the sidebar on The Sentinel You will find what I hope is the most comprehensive list of gun rights resources on the internet. There are several categories, including Information, National Rights Groups, State Rights Groups, even International. I put absolutely every gun rights and Second Amendment related link I could find in there. Every one of them was verified active at the time they were linked and I’ll do my best to keep up with them to cull dead links and update changed ones.

    I hope the word gets out about it and it is put to good use. If you or any of your readers find any that I missed, please feel free to let me know and I’ll add them.

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