By winning the 2014 USPSA Nationals, Rob Leatham has become the only person to win the National Championship in every single USPSA Division. Rob has won the Limited title many times, Open in 1995, L-10 multiple times, Single Stack multiple times, Production in 2006, and now Revolver in 2014. That is a historic accomplishment no matter which way you look at it.
Prior to Rob’s victory, Julie Golob of Team S&W had won the Women’s title in all six divisions as well, but until Rob won revolver no one had ever won the overall National Championship in ever division. Rob beat over 100 other shooters in Revolver division at the 2014 Nationals, coming out with a 0.547% win over David Olhasso. There is a reason they call him The Great One. Congratulations to Rob on his incredible, historic achievement.
It is also excellent when you consider that this is only the second year he has competed in the revolver division at the USPSA Nationals where he took second behind Jerry.
He comes in and beats people that have been doing revolvers for years. And unlike going from one semi division to another revolver comes with it’s own set of skills namely the long double action only trigger pull, and the reloads. To me that is damn impressive.
That’s a pretty funny looking revolver he’s shooting.
It’s from Bianchi Cup. I didn’t have any photos of Revo nats this year.
Do you happen to know what revolver he used to win the Championship?
Yes, a S&W 627 in 38 supper, 5 1/2 ” barrel. He doesn’t shot supper in it though, he uses 9mm with a 160gr. Bullet.
Beautiful firearm.
Probably shooting Bayou Bullets like almost every revolver shooter at the Indoor Nationals.
I’m going to have to disagree. Robby is not human. He is an alien life form who came to earth from the same planet as Dave Savigny and Jerry after they depleted their home planet of lead and copper. Earth was the next closest planet that would support their lifestyle.