A Gun Girl plays “Arm Candy”

20131204-112005.jpgIt’s holiday party season again and earlier this week I played “arm candy” at my boyfriend’s office gathering. He works at a large manufacturing plant deep in the north Georgia mountains, so it seemed likely that my New York City girl ways would fit right in. Well, maybe I should have had a back up plan, but I figured that if all else failed, I’d probably have firearms appreciation in common with this crowd.

I was surprised to find myself deep in a conversation with a small group about how I became interested in shooting. My surprise was due to the fact that the group to whom I was speaking was a very mixed bag. Among them was a woman who claimed to have daughters who are “very good shots,” as well as a lady who said the one and only time she was taken to the range she “hit the deck” at the sound of the first shot.

Speaking to these women, I expressed the joys I have discovered through shooting. I stressed how many quality women I’ve met through this hobby, as well as how many women I’ve seen become empowered through a visit to the range. I went on to tell the nervous lady that next time she should try an outdoor range and extra ear protection. I was glad to see how receptive she was. My boyfriend also interjected how firearms and shooting had played a role in our meeting and how a little range time together has benefitted our relationship. (The only reaction that still disappoints me is when guys at my boyfriend’s office warn him that if he screws up, I may use a firearm to seek vengeance. As always I feel the need to emphasize that I am not a violent girl and I am not sure I could point a gun at anything with a heartbeat.)

Overall, it was a warm, welcoming experience and I was proud to be on the arm of a man whom I love and admire. I was also excited by the possibility that I’d turned a woman’s mind around and that she might just give shooting another chance.


  1. I’ll start off by saying that I am not a woman…never was,nor will I ever be. That’s just the way God made me. I don’t know how they think nor do I try. (IMHO, a woman’s thought process occurs at a much faster rate then most men.)

    Anyways, I digress. I’m a bit surprised, that you didn’t invite her to go shooting with you. If I were talking to a guy who was interested, and/or had an unfavorable shooting experience, I would offer to take them shooting sometime to help them stoke their interest and ensure they have a favorable experience.

    Now, if it were a woman that needed/wanted assistance, I would invite her to get in touch with my wife. I would also have my wife follow up and invite her out to the range. She is able to understands the needs of woman better than I ever could.

    What I saw was a perfect opportunity to possibly 1) gain a new friend and 2) help someone ease their way into the 2A/sport shooting community.

    What I have noticed is that most unfavorable experiences are due to them not having someone to guide/mentor them or their guide/mentor was lacking the proper skills to ensure it was a safe and enjoyable experience.

    Sometimes all it takes is for one person to invite them to the range…

    1. In most circumstances I would agree with you, but due to her husband’s position in the company compared to my boyfriends, it didn’t feel appropriate. Also, they live pretty far away from us and even further from where I shoot.

  2. “I am not sure I could point a gun at anything with a heartbeat” … Do you not CC?

      1. Respectfully Gabby, you need to figure out that very important question well ahead of the event.

        1. I think I would do everything I could to protect myself against someone who was intent on harming me… But how can I be sure?

  3. Mentally place yourself into situations in which you may be forced to use a firearm. Think about the potential threats and the potential outcomes from each and every action/reaction. By doing these “mind drills”, you can better prepare yourself to act when the real thing does occur.

    Another thing that helps both the physical and mental aspect of defensive carry is hunting. Hunting helps one to better react to a living, breathing, MOVING AND REACTING target versus a plain old stationary target.

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