In the upcoming few weeks on Gun Nuts, and extending in to next year you’re going to see a lot of coverage focused on getting professional training. Next week, I’ll be heading down to Gunsite Academy in Arizona to work on Carbine and Pistol training, following that I’ll be at Insights here in Washington for their General Defensive Handgun course. Then in 2011 we’re going to have coverage of classes with our friends at FAS, Pistol-Training.Com, and even a Magpul class.
You’re also going to see a continuation of the Quest for Master Class on Downrange.TV, as once I reach 5-Gun Master the series will continue to offer valuable training tips for both the Novice and Master IDPA shooter.
One of the reasons that we’re taking such a training intensive focus in 2011 is because I believe in the mindset of the perpeptual student. As a competitive shooter and someone that carries a firearm for self defense, I want to be exposed to as many ideas about operating a firearm as possible. Take what works, integrate it, and continue to learn and improve my shooting. The day I stop learning to shoot better is the day I become a truly stagnant shooter. You can always shoot better, and like I’ve said before: the pursuit of awesomeness for its own sake is part of what makes humans so cool.