Ruger SR40 coming to Gun Nuts

Michael Bane has a great first look at the Ruger SR40 over at Downrange.TV; in it he takes a look at the key features of the SR series of guns that have been expanded to the new .40 S&W offering.  For the Quest for Master Class I’ve been shooting the SR9c, which after several thousand rounds has really turned in to quite the little pistol.

Now here’s the cool news – Gun Nuts has a pair of Ruger SR40s on the way from Ruger; I’m going to be running these guns in IDPA and USPSA competition on a regular basis, and based on Michael’s initial report I am excited to see how they shoot.  You should start seeing coverage on Ruger’s new SR40 here on Gun Nuts in the next couple of weeks, which will coincide with a couple other big announcements we have coming up!


  1. I’m anxiously awaiting your reviews Caleb. Any response from Ruger on my long-slide SR9? Maybe a long-slide SR40?

  2. Wow, Ruger is really shortening their product cycle. Pretty soon, they’ll have the recalls out before the guns hit the shelves!

  3. Hey at least they’re not like Toyota when it comes to recalls. 😉
    Ya know..saying it doesn’t exist for 10 years, blaming the issues on their customers, issuing half-assed fixes and finally doing something(which still doesn’t fix it) after their customers get tired of careening over cliffs while on fire.

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