A sad announcement about Gun Nuts Radio

I really didn’t want to write this post, but after evaluating all the options, this seems to be the best course of action.  Gun Nuts Radio will be going on hiatus effective immediately through November 3rd; at which time I’ll re-evaluate whether or not it will be able to continue.  Unfortunately, the demands of my current job place a high premium on time, and coupled with the new projects I’ve taken on such as the Quest for Master Class and several other upcoming items, the time simply isn’t there for everything that I need to be doing.

This makes me sad, as Gun Nuts Radio was always one of my favorite projects.  Over the past 2.5 years it’s been one of the greatest pleasures of my life to bring you the latest in guns, gear, political and shooting sports news – and watching the show grow in to the number 1 shooting sports podcast on iTunes has been awesome.

I cannot thank everyone that’s been a part of Gun Nuts enough for everything they’ve done to support the show.  My great guests, ranging from local activists and politicians, to friends of the show, and shooting sports superstars have always brought a smile to my face.  Having shared in their knowledge and brought that out to where everyone can listen to it has been a wonderful experience.

This wouldn’t be complete with thanking people that have invested their time in Gun Nuts either.  One of the factors that directly contributed to the growth of Gun Nuts Radio was the hard work put in by Breda as my co-host for the majority of the time the show was on the air.  I’ve been described by friends as “a shooter who happens to blog”, which is a fair description.  I’ve never been much of a political guy, and left to my own devices could talk about guns for hours and hours – Breda brought a much needed thoughtful political mind to the show, which allowed it to grow in to a much larger audience; for that I’m deeply grateful.  I wish her the best of luck with B-B and Guns, as BlogTalkRadio as a network can always use another reasoned conservative voice.

Again, as I step away from the show temporarily I want to thank everyone that’s been a part of it, whether as a guest, a colleague, or a listener.  For the listeners, thank you for letting me in to your homes and your cars – I hope to be able to return to Gun Nuts after November with a renewed sense of purpose!

Obviously, the blog will continue – the website was here first and will stay; the Quest for Master Class is currently an ongoing project that will be continuing as well, and in the near future look for more projects from Gun Nuts Media with my name attached to them!  It’s a great time in the shooting sports, and there are a lot of wide open doors!


  1. A sad announcement for sure, but it sounds like you’ve got some exciting things going on! Jennifer and I have loved listening to your show, as well as being guest and callers. Thanks again for promoting my stuff. That will not be soon forgotten! Good luck in all your endeavors.

  2. Thank you , Michael! While other work has prevented me from using it as much as I’d like, once the Quest for Master Class is over you can be that you’ll be seeing that holster out again!

  3. I hope so! However, I have some other projects in dev right now that would preclude that, but these are REALLY COOL projects. At least I think so.

  4. I’ve enjoyed listening to your podcasts and I believe you have done a great service to the gun community through your podcast, your tv appearances, and your blog. Good luck in all of your future endeavors!

  5. Have you posted anything about the job that I missed? The Top Shot epilogue said you worked for the NRA, but I’ve seen no mention of it here.

  6. C — Sad news, but the work you’re doing between now and the election will pay off in a whole new way for gun owners. Thanks and stay safe!

  7. I had a feeling something like this might be up and while part of me may be a little bummed I can’t really fault you either. I’m sure others may have said this already but if things change and you do start doing Gun Nuts Radio again I’ll be either listening live or downloading via iTunes.

    Meantime, guess I’d best visit here more frequently than every couple of days and being a bit more active. ^_^

  8. I meant to tell you, I did get your email! I feel terrible for not having replied, I’ve just been pretty busy!

  9. Dammit, I just found the podcast a few weeks ago. Great show and great blog. Keep up what you can, Thanks.

  10. Why not do a recorded show instead of a live show that way you can work it into your schedule.You will also get better audio quality (BTR sucks but hey you get what you pay for) and can interview people while on your quest.

  11. From the way you described your current job it sounds very similar to what I did in 2006 for a 527 group. And from that experience I FULLY understand the odd hours crazy almost unpredictable schedule and such. I really do hope that this comes back after Nov 3rd

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