TAPCO AK74 30 round magazines

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that one of the problems with the AK74 (in my opinion) was getting quality aftermarket magazines at a reasonable price, as the 5.45×39 magazines were generally more expensive than the 7.62×39 magazines available for the standard AK pattern rifles.  It seems the internet is determinded to prove me wrong, which I’m actually happy about!

TAPCO just introduced their new 30-round AK74 magazine, and if price point is an issue, the new TAPCO AK74 magazine is only $15.99.  For that price, you can afford to buy a pile of them and toss one out if it breaks.

FTC Disclaimer: TAPCO did not provide me with a promotional consideration for publishing this.


  1. Caleb,

    As attractive as the price is, I have yet to see a AK magazine made by a non-ComBloc (or non-formerly ComBloc) country that was worth a darn. Just as I have yet to see a ComBloc made AK magazine that DIDN’T work, unless it had gross defects visible to the naked eye (like someone hit it with a hammer).

    I dunno why — but it makes me flee from “Western” AK magazines like Michael Moore from a Weight Watchers meal.

  2. Unless the magazine catch recess and lugs are made of steel or reinforced some way, I have zero confidence in this magazine holding up under hard use.

    I have TAPCO furniture on my AK and like it fine, but this seems poorly thought out.

    1. For 15 bucks though you can almost treat them like a disposable item. I’m working on a commie-3 gun rig, so if I ever finish it, I’m going to use these.

  3. Yeah, but if you use REAL commie magazines, you probably won’t need to dispose of them! {chuckle}

    What sidearm were you planning on using for that 3-gun set?

  4. I have yet to see a AK magazine made by a non-ComBloc (or non-formerly ComBloc) country that was worth a darn.

    The only ones worth a damn are the US Palm 30 rounders…

    For 15 bucks though you can almost treat them like a disposable item

    The operating word there is “almost” – as a competitor, you pay big money for travel, matches, gear, etc. Why semi-advocate cheaping out on a magazines?

    It’s just an additional $15.00 for a mag that will last damn near forever.

  5. Er, “wouldn’t let my cat pee on their mags”.

    Nothing says “I have SWAT team tastes on a Meter Maid budget” like CRAPCO and Uncle Mike’s!

  6. Now, now. . . both TAOCO and Uncle Mike’s have their places.

    I got some nice 922(r) compliance internals from TAPCO a few years back, and Uncle Mike’s makes fine holsters for hunting and other “I just gotta put this thing somewhere for now” uses.

  7. MCA56

    Or, you can get milsurp steel Tantal (Polish AK74) magazines 2/3rds the cost of the US Palm (which, as far as I know isn;t even offered in the 5.54x39mm version).

    If you want plastic mags, the Bulgarian milsurp AK&$ plastic ones are cheaper than TAPCO.

    For the AK47/AKM, European Warsaw Pact steel milsurp is available for between $9 (Polish) to $20 (East German).

    Again, I’ve never seen one of the actual misurp AKmagazines fail without some pretty blatant abuse, including the Bulgarian black plastic AK74 or the orange “bakelite” AK74 magazines. The last WarPact steel AK magazien I saw fail looked like it had been used as a hammer by a rock climber.

  8. I think it was clear that I was retorting to is there a US magazine worth a damn? To which I said, US Palm magazines are good…

    You are correct that they don’t make 74 mags…

    The AIM mags, while they work, are just as Rick described… Man, they pounded the crap outta ’em!

  9. I’ll accept (for the purpose of discussion) that they are just as reliable and durable as the steel magazines. (I’ve hear contrary reports, BTW — but we’ll assume here they are 100% as good as the Ivan steel mags.)

    I still cannot understand paying twice as much for them, compared to good old trusty (maybe rusty) Commie mags that, in case I run out of ammo, are good for clubbing a dozen or so zombies before I get bitten. . . {grin}

    But then, I don’t like to rely on detachable magazine parts for 922(r) compliance. . . I like to be compliant no matter WHAT magazine I stuff in the gun.

  10. But then, I don’t like to rely on detachable magazine parts for 922(r) compliance. . . I like to be compliant no matter WHAT magazine I stuff in the gun.
    Amen to that, brother. I’ll add $0.02 worth here and say that the Tapco G2 triggers are surprisingly, well, they’re really awesome! Since they’ve got a pin sleeve, they’re pretty much drop-in unit too.

    I’ll accept (for the purpose of discussion) that they are just as reliable and durable as the steel magazines. (I’ve hear contrary reports, BTW — but we’ll assume here they are 100% as good as the Ivan steel mags.)

    I’ve got a stack of Hungarian 20 rounders that are nice – I’m a FAL guy and the mags aren’t too long out of my chest rig… For 30rdrs, I usually use Bulgy waffles. (Circle 10’s). They’re very durable too…

    The reality is that any magazine is a weak point – you start playing 3-gun or action pistol stuff and it isn’t long before you’re going to be buying more of ’em because you bent feed lips, it isn’t reliable, etc, etc, etc… Tam, in her infinite wisdom reiterates that over and over and over, as does Commander Zero. Thus when folks look at me funny because I’ve got “piles” of magazines I just clam up and do the Lao-Tzu:

    Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know.

  11. the best 922r compliance is appealing that damn law all together dick’s that wrote it couldnt take a gun apart and tell ya if your breaking it anyway… any decent gunsmith able to mod the feed ramp or you gotta find someone special?

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