I couldn’t support gun control. I think most of you know that about me already, but after the events of the past week, I’ve discovered a new reason: advocates of gun control are afraid. One of the lines I have seen repeated several times is that “I want to know if my neighbor has a gun because I’m afraid of what they might do.” What a terrible life that must be – seeing monsters behind every fence, living in constant fear. It’s no wonder so many gun control advocates are mentally imbalanced, that kind of strain would be nearly impossible to bear.
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Hey advocates – try this teheory – assume the DO own guns. It is, after all, their right. Now go learn to live without fear.
What’s really interesting is that they then project their fear onto us by insisting that the only reason we would want to own and carry guns is because WE live in fear.
it would be funny were it not so sad.
It is in fact the fear that they use to make themselves so comfortable
in their delusions. I was flickig through some Brady Camp propoganda videos and saw one from an awards ceremony where the acting LAPD chief was happy that they on had a little over a dozen gun stores and about CCW holders….
Even the cops are terrified of citizens protecting themselves….
Sad indeed….
It is in fact the fear that they use to make themselves so comfortable
in their delusions. I was flickig through some Brady Camp propoganda videos and saw one from an awards ceremony where the acting LAPD chief was happy that they only had a little over a dozen gun stores and about 35 CCW holders….
Even the cops are terrified of citizens protecting themselves….
Sad indeed….
Freedom is scary to some people, if they’ve been brainwashed enough.
I’m getting tired of it, frankly. Can we start calling out the cowards for what they are?
Bunch of gutless, spineless, prissy little pansies…
It’s as if that’s what they’d do if they had a firearm. If they found themselves with a firearm, they’d go on a shooting spree with the smallest provocation. That or they feel that they’d not have any power over a person with a gun, they then couldn’t tell said person how to live their life.
Of course, they accuse people who own and carry guns of living in fear. Even if we accept that for the sake of argument, which is a more rational fear?
1. Fear of a small, violent minority.
2. Fear of the average, law-abiding citizen next door.
It really is a sad situation. I will never really understand that sides reasoning. As if eliminating guns (and every other weapon) would suddenly make people incapable of violent action. There will always be bad people who do bad things. Better to acknowledge that and be prepared for it on the individual level than pretend that evil doesn’t walk any place it isn’t actively opposed.
“Of course, they accuse people who own and carry guns of living in fear.”
Any time I get an anti-gun person accusing me of this, I point out that I have absolutely no problem with any of my friends, neighbors, or even *gasp* complete strangers choosing to own firearms.
I then point out that all of these people can and do own firearms, and that I have no problem trusting them with their chosen firearms.
This fundamentally serves two purposes:
-It dispels the notion that I’m somehow living in fear.
-It makes the anti-gun person look like a paranoid jackass.
I have a fire extinguisher, but I don’t lie awake at night, sweating bullets (heh) that the apartment is going to burn down.
I like to ask, “Who you gonna trust more – me or a criminal? Cause that is what it comes down to with gun control.”
I like to ask, “Who you gonna trust more – me or a criminal? Cause that is what it comes down to with gun control.”
Or how I ask it: Take one group of people and lock them in a room for a day with *pick gunnie here. Myself, Caleb, Tam, the owner of the local gun shop* with a fully loaded machine gun.
Next take a similar group of people, but lock them in with a convicted gang member with multiple convictions of assault and rape under his belt, and give him a cheap china-made screwdriver.
Which group of people is in more danger?
You know an honest person when they answer the question. The places I post this, it doesn’t get answered….I wonder why? : ] (PS only Trolls like MikeB need to supply an answer here)
I ask gun-averse people if they’ve ever been to the movie theater, grocery store, mall, WalMart, etc. Then I give them the statistics: roughly 4% of all eligible persons (in my state) have permits to carry firearms. It is highly likely that they already interact with lawfully armed persons on a regular basis.
Then I emphasize how I could have killed them at any point in our relationship, with or without a weapon, had I chosen to do so.
Then I ask if they want to learn how to shoot.
Fear and anger. Like Jose G., I’ve heard a bunch of gun-banners say something to the effective, “I think guns should be banned, because I know what I would do if I had one….”