That might win an award for the longest post title I’ve ever written, but it’s for a good cause. As mentioned, over 900 legislators from State houses across the nation have signed on to an amicus brief in the Chicago gun ban case supporting the rights of American citizens to keep and bear arms. Read the entire brief here at NRA’s website. For my Indiana readers, here’s a list of our state legislators that signed on to NRA’s brief:
Jim Arnold, State Senate
Kreg Battles, State Representative
Bob Behning, State Representative
Matt Bell, State Representative
Bob Bischoff, State Representative
Sandra Blanton, State Representative
Phil Boots, State Senate
Bruce Borders, State Representative
Randy Borror, State Representative
Brian Bosma, State Representative
Woody Burton, State Representative
Ed Charbonneau, State Senate
David Cheatham, State Representative
Bob Cherry, State Representative
Jacque Clements, State Representative
Ed Clere, State Representative
Bill Davis, State Representative
Richard Dodge, State Representative
Cleo Duncan, State Representative
Sean Eberhart, State Representative
Bill Friend, State Representative
David Frizzell, State Representative
Terry Goodin, State Representative
F. Dale Grubb, State Representative
Brandt Hershman, State Senate
Travis Holdman, State Senate
Clyde Kersey, State Representative
Tom Knollman, State Representative
Eric Koch, State Representative
Dennis Kruse, State Senate
Donald Lehe, State Representative
Matthew Lehman, State Representative
Jean Leising, State Senate
Dan Leonard, State Representative
David Long, State Senate
L. Jack Lutz, State Representative
Rich McClain, State Representative
James Merritt, State Senate
Mark Messmer, State Representative
Patricia Miller, State Senate
Mike Murphy, State Representative
Timothy Neese, State Representative
Cindy Noe, State Representative
Johnny Nugent, State Senate
Allen Paul, State Senate
Scott Pelath, State Representative
Scott Reske, State Representative
Kathy Richardson, State Representative
Bill Ruppel, State Representative
Tom Saunders, State Representative
Scott Schneider, State Senate
Timothy Skinner, State Senate
Ed Soliday, State Representative
Brent Steele, State Senate
Steven Stemler, State Representative
Greg Steuerwald, State Representative
Dan Stevenson, State Representative
Russ Stilwell, State Representative
Marlin Stutzman, State Senate
Jeff Thompson, State Representative
Jerry Torr, State Representative
Randy Truitt, State Representative
P. Eric Turner, State Representative
Dennis Tyler, State Representative
Trent Van Haaften, State Representative
Greg Walker, State Senate
Jackie Walorski, State Representative
Brent Waltz, State Senate
John Waterman, State Senate
Dave Wolkins, State Representative
David Yarde, State Representative
In case you’re counting, that’s 72 legislators from the State of Indiana. If your State Rep or Senator is on that list, give ’em a call and thank them for supporting the rights of law abiding Americans.
Read the brief.
Look for the names of your state rep and state senator. If they signed, write them and thank them, as Caleb says. If they didn’t sign, write them and ask why not!
My state rep has been good about gun rights, yet didn’t sign on to the amicus brief. He’s already heard from me.
I was rather annoyed to find that both my state representative’s and state senator’s names were missing from the Alabama list. And people wonder why I trust Republicans no more than I trust Democrates.
I’m shocked we got three Rep’s from Jersey to sign!
There were 56 Oklahoma Legislators who signed. You can bet I’ll be thanking each one of them.