I can’t believe we’re halfway through August already. Before I know it, it’s going to be October, and that means that the Indiana IDPA State Championship is right around the corner. As one of the organizers and Safety Officers for the match, I have some sad news to report: right now, there are more shooters from Ohio registered for the match than shooters from Indiana. We need to fix that, most rickey-tick. If you’d like to register for the match, click here to go to Atlanta Conservation Club’s IDPA Page. We’re going to have a great match this year as we take the lessons learned from last year’s state championship and build on them to help keep IDPA growing strong in Central Indiana.
I realized my ties to the sport at ACC’s Steel Challenge match on Saturday, when a shooter I had never met identified me as “the IDPA guy”, an appellation I’m proud to bear. Last year’s IDPA State Championship was the first major I’d shot since college, and despite being under-dressed for the cold weather, I had a great time. I can say with honest pride that we put on a fantastic match at ACC, and you should definitely register for it. For $55 bucks and 150 rounds, you won’t find a major match priced like this – we like to shoot, and we don’t want to lay a hurting on your wallet.
If you’re not a member of IDPA and you’d like to shoot the match, send me an email at [email protected] – I’ll be able to get you instructions on joining IDPA and set up a time to get you classified so you can shoot the match. Come and join us in October at the jewel of Indiana’s shooting ranges for the 2009 Indiana IDPA State Championship!