This weekend at Atlanta Conservation Club we will be having our second ICORE match of the year. Bring your revolver and bring a friend to the match! The COF are set up so that the match remains “newbie friendly”, if you show up with a GP100 and enough speedloaders, you’re good to go. Registration opens at 0900, and you must be present for the safety meeting at 0945 if you want to shoot. I know that we have plenty of shooters with wheelgun that read Gun Nuts, so I want to see you at ACC on Saturday. If you have never shot a match at ACC before, then you shoot our ICORE match for $10, which is half off the regular match fee.
So grab that Model 10 you have, get some leather and a few speedloaders, and come shoot revolvers with us! For more information, feel free to email me at [email protected] – see you Saturday!