While there is a large amount of crossover in the online population between gun nuts and video game geeks, I’d wouldn’t imagine that all my readers are familiar with the epic series of RPGs known as Fallout. If you ARE familiar with Fallout, then click the link (link goes to a Russian LJ, so I can’t read it but the pictures are amazing).
If you’re not familiar with Fallout, get you to a used game store or Amazon and see if you can’t order the original two games, although the people that own them tend to guard them jealously. Interestingly enough, Fallout as a video game was what helped shape my interest in firearms. I know it seems weird, but the wide array of guns available in the game, and their presentation as simply another tool in the player’s skillset went a long way towards fueling a 19 year old boy’s enjoyment of the shooting sports.
I know I still have the CDs around here somewhere……
You really are one of those guys from the internet.
I can’t reach this site directly from work, so I can’t be positive that it’s the one I was looking for. But I believe this is the place where I bought DRM-free downloadable versions of Fallout and Fallout 2.
I was overjoyed to find this site, since Windows XP isn’t terribly cooperative with installing Fallout from the discs anymore.
Having gone through those pictures, I have to say those guys have horrible trigger control. The dude in the “power armor” with the P90 is the worst of them.
those pics are amazing, only issue I have is that none of them seem to have ever heard of Rule 3. That and that P90 does not look airsoft to me…
Holy. Crap.
Those folks take their LARPing rather seriously… impressively so, at that.
Also, little secret: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsdmobile.livejournal.com%2F18969.html&sl=ru&tl=en&history_state0=
Target has a complete set of all the fallout games (including 3 and tactics) for $20-$30 near me