This past 4th of July weekend, I shot my first IDPA match with my new S&W 625, which was a very education experience. On the very first stage I shot, I completely forgot I was shooting a revolver, so my first six shots sounded like “bangbang-bangbang-bangbang-click-@*&#!”, which the RO found pretty humorous. I ended up not finishing too poorly, ending up second out of the wheelgun shooters.
- Reloads were generally pretty good actually – the time I’d spent slinging moonclips at the cylinder paid off for the most part. The worst reload I had was when a moonclip bound up on the grip.
- Target transitions weren’t too bad either. The 625 weighs approximately 1 million pounds, but the nice thing about that all that weight is that it swings pretty fast once you get it going.
- My trigger control was pretty rough. There were more than a couple shots where I could tell that I didn’t have an even press through the trigger and that resulted in bullets not going where I wanted them to go.
- Sights. It was slightly overcast on Saturday (and actually started raining), and the “black on black” sight picture was actually pretty hard to pick up. I need to either a) buy a punch from Brownells, or b) just take the rig to a gunsmith and have them put that new HiViz sight on the gun.
The biggest thing that I need to do is practice with the gun. Certain actions that are “automatic” with a 1911 haven’t yet reached that point with a revolver, including reloads. That stuff is just a matter of time and practice though, because since August of last year I’ve fired over 50,000 rounds through semi-automatic pistols and done countless reload and presentation drills. The advantage of the wheelgun over the semi-auto in the “practice” arena is that I can simulate everything about a course of fire except for recoil all the comfort of my own home. I see lots of dry firing in my future.
Out of how many revolver shooters? 😉
6 or 7, if you count the non-moonclip revolvers. Like I said, Harblez needs practice.
I guess that explains why you didn’t call your mother this weekend!
Top third ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of. 🙂