Being a reader (readers, readers of the open range) I rarely travel without bringing some kind of reading material with me. When I’m flying, it’s usually a copy of #GUN RAG MONTHLY, which does a marvelous job of entertaining me and keeping the godless hippie in the seat next to me from getting any ideas about “striking up a conversation, dude”. However, I’m driving to Columbia for this match, so when I do that, I usually throw a book or two in my bag for reading material during downtime. I try to make the books appropriate for the event, so here are two selections that are coming with me to Bianchi Cup.
Book 1: The Book of Five Rings, by Miyamoto Musahsi.
Book 2: Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals by Brian Enos.
I doubt very much I could have picked two better books to keep my “mind right” for Bianchi than the two I’ve mentioned. Of course, if you think I should be taking something else, there is always the “comment” option.
How ’bout: Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell?
(Trying to work in a hobo joke.)