That it is an utter travesty that this excellent video has less than 2 million views, while Kayne West’s latest song has over 20 million. Sure, GunNuts only pulls in 50k readers a year, but let’s make what little dent we can in that number.
I mean come on, who’s cooler, Ennio Morricone or Kanye West? And if you don’t realize that’s a rhetorical question, well, uh…yeah.
Apropos of nothing in this post – how in the world have I missed this blog?! Wow! I’ve obviously not been keeping up the Gun Chick role very well. Yikes!
Great stuff on here, love your style!
That tune’s been my cell ringtone ever since I owned a cellphone. I love it!
That was great!!!
Very, very cool.
Did they do For a Fistfull of Dollars?
That was my favorite main title of the trilogy.