I want to be cool like Breda

Because Breda took a picture of herself with her awesome new Gunblogger_Conspiracy gear on, I decided that I wanted to be cool as well, so I ordered one myself. Now, the sad thing is that I won’t be attending the NRA Annual Meetings/2ABlogBash this year, because the travel to and from Phoenix creates scheduling conflict with Bianchi Cup. However, that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to represent the Conspiracy at Bianchi Cup. Because you can customize your shirt with the text of your choice, the back of my quote features the following quote from pdb.

he day you win the Bianchi cup is the day I will find a random hobo and kiss him on the mouth

So at least one day of competition, I’m going to be wearing that shirt at the Bianchi Cup. The other days I’ll be wearing something with about 100% less hobo-kissing references


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