You know

Back when I was a “regular” job holder, and not a freelance writer, I had employees.  In every position I held, I had people that were accountable to me for their performance.  Part of having those employees was to conduct performance reviews during their 90 day evaluation period, and if they weren’t measuring up, to terminate their employment.

If I had an employee who in their first 60 days on the job had managed to insult our best client, go on television and insult mentally handicapped people, and then send a letter to the former CEO of a client we were trying to do business with and snubbing the current CEO of that client, I would fire this employee so fast it would make your head spin.

However, it seems that media doesn’t feel that way, because in the first 60 days of Obama’s presidency, he has unintentionally insulted Great Britain,then he went on the Tonight Show and made not one, but two disparaging remarks about mentally handicapped people, and now has managed to snub the President of France.

Uncle, from whence I found the link comments that there is absolutely no sound on this coming from the Legacy Media.  The only places that are reporting on it are French Media outlets and conservative blogs.  You and I both know that if George W. had done this, it would have been on the front of, and those harpies on The View would have been going on and on about it.  But, it’s the Chosen One.  He can’t be a walking, talking gaffe machine because he’s from Chicago, and he’s so suave and urbane.

1 Comment

  1. You and I both know that if George W. had done this, it would have been on the front of, and those harpies on The View would have been going on and on about it.

    I thought of two things:

    1.) The scene in the Simpsons where the married couple is arguging, “Queen of the harpies! Here’s your crown!”


    2.) The media were all over GW Bush’s backrub with German PM Angela Merkel… At least Bush was trying to help…

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