From SHOT SHOW 2009 was a group that claims to be a representative group for America’s shooters and hunters…you may have heard of them. The American Hunters and Shooters Association? During the election, they claimed to be “the real” shooting and hunting group, a claim which was all bullcrap.
Well, they weren’t at SHOT SHOW either. NSSF was, NRA was, and even “hunting” groups like Safari Club were there. The Students for the 2nd Amendment were there. But no AHSA. At the “SHOOTING” and “HUNTING” trade show, the group claiming to be a “Shooters and Hunters Association” was nowhere to be seen.
It’s almost like they were lying the whole time about actually caring about the hunting and shooting sports. SAY IT AIN’T SO.
*snickers* They have so few members, and thus so little money (especially after all of their lobbying efforts), that they probably could not have even afforded a table there.