I’m filling out a job application, and one of the “online-self assessment” questions is “When a problem presents itself:” with multiple choice answers.
I tell you, I kept looking for the bubble next to “yo I solved it, check out my hook while the DJ revolve it” but I couldn’t find it.
Ice, Ice Baby, do-doo do doota do-doo!
Thanks. Thanks a lot. Earworm from Hell.
(Don’t feel bad, when I’m asked “when a problem presents itself” I always “choose .45 Auto”
Joe – that’s not a problem, that’s a *target*.
Problems, we all (should) know, are solved by the judicious use of explosives….
(Vanilla Ice??? Ew. Crotch-grabbing wannabe Queen-ripoff puss. I’d have to agree—you ARE a dork !!)