For the folks that listened to last night’s show, I want to say “thanks”, and I also want to apologize to everyone who tuned in expecting a show on the spike in gun sales and EBR recommendations. I apparently have contracted some kind of damned virus, which made me sound like this guy in addition to making feel like 6 pounds of crap in a 5 pound sack. If you want to hear the atrocity that was my voice last night, listen to the first minute and last 30 seconds of the show.
The show we did air was a re-run, and it was a re-run of what I think was one of our very best shows. It was the original “chicks and guns” show, the first time Breda was on the air, as well as Bonnie and Tracy from Pretty Pistolera. If you’d like to download an .mp3 of last nights show, you can by clicking this link. You can also listen to the show in the embedded player below.
Next week’s show will be the scheduled show on gun sales and EBRs, and then the week after that we’re going to start the run up to SHOT SHOW. Last year’s coverage of SHOT was immensely popular, however it was a little one-sided in that I only covered what I wanted to cover. This year, I want to get lots and lots of pre-show input from the readers and listeners that make all of this possible on what you want to see at SHOT ’09.