The Day after Tomorrow

Is the Indiana State IDPA Championship match.  If you haven’t registered to shoot this match, it is too late now – however if you’re still looking for something to blast, you could head out to Marion County F&G for their monthly Bowling Pin match.  You might even meet an internet celebrity.

So if you’ve got a couple of minutes on Saturday, send me mental vibes of speed and accuracy, and hope that the rain holds off.  Then on Sunday if you’re in the area, come out to the Broad Ripple Brewpup for beer, scotch pub eggs, and good company.


  1. Can’t make it to either venue this weekend, and I’m absolutely Jonesing for some more bowling pin fun.

    Tam: take plenty of ammo.

  2. Turk,

    My clever plan is to shoot the Pro, so that if I run low I can boost some spare ammo from Shootin’ Buddy. 😀

  3. [smartass] Just don’t miss as much.[/smartass]

    You know, now that I’ve said that, I’m probably going to drill at least three no-shoots come Saturday.

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