Gun Nuts Radio: Competition Shooting

Last night’s show was another good one – it’s good to have The Breda back and co-hosting, because honestly I’d hate talking to myself for an hour like I did two weeks ago. Here’s the player for last night’s show, where we covered competition shooting, as well as a look at the traditional activism activities of an NRA-EVC.

If you’d like to download an .mp3 copy of last night’s show, you may do so by visiting this link and clicking “Open in your default player”, or by clicking here.

On the topic of competitive shooting, we were able to cover modern bullseye pistol shooting, as well as some information on metallic silhouette, a brief glossy look at IDPA and IPSC, some talk on Steel Challenge, and finally a look at bowling pins. Honestly, I could do an entire show about IDPA and IPSC, just because of the variety of guns and gear that you can use to compete in either of these sports. We ended up focusing primarily on the Production and Stock Service Pistol classes for IPSC and IDPA simply because those are the most accessible categories. For those, you can take your Glock 17, a Fobus holster and magazine holders and run that gun. Everything you need to play those games you can buy off the shelf at your local Gander Mountain and then go and get in the game.

After we finished talking competition shooting, I spent some time talking to my friend, and NRA EVC, Sebastian of Snowflakes In Hell about traditional activism, and what us gun owners can do to get involved. With the election looming, it’s important that in this final month before the election we do everything we can to “get in the game” and push not only for the Presidential race, but for local races as well. We talked for a bit about how easy it is to lose sight of extremely important Congressional and State races because of all the focus that is being placed on the Presidential election.

As I said, last night’s show was pretty good – and although we didn’t pull in a lot of listeners do to the Presidential debate, I still strongly recommend you check it out at – and we’ll be back next week with even more Gun Nuts radio!