Tomorrow on Gun Nuts Radio

Tomorrow night on Gun Nuts Radio at 9pm Eastern, we’ve got a show coming up that should be a lighting rod for commentary – it’s called The Politics of Smear, and will be focusing on the current dirty campaign that Barack “Victory at Any Cost” Obama is running, and how it dovetails into his history of smears, lies, dirty politics, and generally being a tool of the massive Chicago political machine – a political machine exceeded in corruption only by the City of Detroit.

Just this previous week in Indiana, the Republican headquarters in Delware county was vandalized by an apparent Obama supporter; additionally, Obama’s Digital Brownshirts have been vigorously cruising the web and silencing or just plain flaming dissenting opinion like the good little followers that they are.

As I mentioned above, we’ll also be looking at Obama’s campaign history: things like the election he won by having all his competitors removed from the ballot, or how in the Illinois’ House he was intentionally propped up by the local party so he could elected to the Senate, his suspicous campaign contributions to dirty politicians from other states, and his ties to known criminals in Illinois.

The one thing we’re not going to do tomorrow night is make anything up – everything we discuss, every detail and fact we point are all going to items that are a matter of public record, but are also probably items that Obama and his people don’t want you to know about.  Tune in tomorrow night to at 9pm Eastern time to get the most up to date information on Barack “Victory at Any Cost” Obama.