I’ve got the receiver, and I just ordered the forearm off EBay for the Remington Model 11. Now, I have a question for the shotgun experts out there regarding a stock and barrel for this thing. I asked our resident general gun knowledge expert and she wasn’t 100% sure, so I’ll ask the lazywebs in hopes of an answer.
I know that the Remington 11 is a licensed copy roughly of the Browning Auto-5 shotgun. I have had a hard time finding a barrel and buttstock online for the Remington 11, so I’m wondering if a buttstock made for an Auto-5 is going to fit my gun; and the same question for a 20 gauge barrel. If anyone knows the answer beyond a shadow of a doubt, drop me a comment or email. My email address is in the “contact” link up above.
Email ColtCCO and have him ask Bob or Shannon. They’ll know. I meant to call Bob and ask him, but I accidentally fell into the intarw3bz and it took me hours to get out.