Obamarama says that his wife “sees a need for rural gun ownership” and that he “respects the Second Amendment”. Here’s the problem, though. He may respect the 2nd Amendment, but he has no idea what the 2nd Amendment is all about. Here’s a direct quote:
“We should be able to combine respect for those traditions with our concern for kids who are being shot down. This is a classic example of us just applying some common sense, just being reasonable, right? And reasonable would say that lawful gun owners – I respect the Second Amendment. I think lawful gun owners should be able to hunt, be sportsmen, protect their families.
It’s not about hunting, or being a sportsman, and it never has been. I also take issue with the fact that he equates lawful gun owners and child murder, even though those lawful gun owners are most certainly not the people “shooting down” kids in the streets.
Obama really doesn’t get it. To him, the 2nd Amendment isn’t about personal liberty, it’s not a civil right on par with the 1st Amendment, to him it’s a talking point. Obama can say that he respects the 2nd Amendment all he wants, but coming from a member of the board of the Joyce Foundation, I find that hard to believe.