In my “shock of the morning” news, it seems that Canada’s gun registry, despite costing over 2 billion (that’s billion, with a “b”) has not succeeded in making Canada more safe.
Canada's homicide rate and number ofgang-related murders has increased since the federal government's firearmsregistry and licensing program was implemented, an indication that the programhas failed to improve public safety, according to Hubris in the North, TheCanadian Firearms Registry, a new report from independent researchorganization The Fraser Institute.
What? You mean to say that a giant, bloated government program has succeeded in doing nothing more than depriving law-abiding Canadians of their firearms and leeching literally billions of tax dollars from them? Say it ain’t so, Joe. Say it ain’t so.
Now, my biggest concern here isn’t that we can’t see the folly in the Canadian gun registry, because we quite plainly can. My concern is that for people like Paul Helmke, Barack Obama, and anyone whose title includes “(D), New York”; the idea of a giant, bloated government bureaucracy that sucks up tax dollars by the billions and deprives law abiding citizens of their makes those aforementioned weasels giggle with delight.
So, what can we do about that? Well, to pound my constant drums of hearts and minds, the utter failure of the Canadian gun registry system gives you and I an inroad when talking to the Suzy Soccermom’s of the country. You see, if there is one thing that the your average middle American doesn’t like, it’s taxes. I don’t like any taxes. My Democrat friends don’t like taxes. I don’t think that anyone likes have their hard earned money pissed down the drain of bloated government pork.
And if you’re looking for a definition of “bloated government spending”, take a look at the 2 billion dollars spent by Canada on their failed gun registry. So the next time you’re discussing gun control over martini’s with your liberal friends, and they bring up the silly idea of a gun registry, mention those 2 billion dollars. Ask them if they can think of a way that 2 billion could be better spent, like on schools, or roads, or pretty much anywhere than an ineffective gun registry.