Because living in a house without a grill of any sort is simply wrong; I have managed to acquire through various channels the following grill/smoker.
It’s a Traeger grill, which if you didn’t know are simply the finest grilling machines known to earthly man. Couple that with the fact that my specific grill is the Smith & Wesson .22 Magnum edition, and well – it’s perfect.
I didn’t really need a gigantic grill; since this one is marketed more for camping/tailgates/small gatherings, it’s the perfect size for a two person household that has occasional company over.
How does it go again?
“This is my grill. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My grill is my best friend, it is my life. I must master my grill as I must master my life. My grill without me is useless; without my grill, I am useless.”
You get the idea.