Via Uncle & Tam, I see that Rachel Lucas is “back”. I qualify “back” because her previous run at things predates my time in the saddle; however she earned my readership with one little line.
How totally awesome Blake Lewis on American Idol is with his freaky little beat-boxing
YEEESSSSSS. My dark secret is that I <3 American Idol, and I’m pulling for my boy Blake to win; mostly because he’s the first “Idol” in years where I’d actually buy a CD he put out.
She then proceeded to further win my heart with this.
How badly I want to choke Paris Hilton and/or Britney Spears but especially Lindsay Lohan.
My commentary on Lindsay Lohan is as follows:
Dear Ms. Lohan,
You used to be hot before you got all skinny and anorexic looking. Eat a damn porkchop.
P.S. Barring that, if you could walk into a propeller that would be fine.
So, I’m officially a fan of Rachel Lucas, and will place her in the blogroll, meager peon that I am.