Vote for Ahab!

The details for the rumored ParaUSA Blogger shoot have been published! The contest to see who gets the 10 spots is going to be a fight to the death vote-off, where the bloggers who receive the 10 highest vote totals get to go shoot guns with Todd Jarrett at Blackwater. Vote for Ahab here!

This is an awesome thing that Para is putting on, and it only gets better. By going and voting for your favorite blogger *coughCallmeAhabcough* you can also enter to win the 11th spot – the last point on the range. You get the chance to meet 10 other bloggers, shoot with Todd Jarrett, and be filmed for Michael Bane’s TV show.

ParaUSA has clearly demonstrated that they want to be on the cutting edge of new media, and now it’s your chance to get to join the fun!

So go to the following URL, and Vote for Ahab!

Update: Don’t listen to either of these guys I promise as your blackwater selectee that I will only bring the highest, most refined levels of awesome.


  1. Blackwater mercenaries come to kidnap you and take you to Iraq.

    They use to verify single votes/if you want, you can go on their mailing list.

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